Sukkot Joy
Leviticus 23 summarizes Israel’s Holy Days: “‘So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have gathered the crops of the land,

The Mentorship Approach at JBI
Mentorship is more than just a component of Bible college education at the Jerusalem Bible Institute (JBI)—it’s the heartbeat of our approach. It shapes the

Shavuot: A Time of Harvest and Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Shavuot or Pentecost as it is known in the Christian World is an important holiday. There is little information on interpreting the Feast in the

Restorationism, What is That?
It was a common conviction in the 19th century. Many embraced the understanding of the Bible whereby the Jewish people would return to the Land

Passover as the Template for Israel’s History and Future
We just gathered with our families and celebrated the Passover together. It is a strange experience, celebrating in a time of war. Many of us

Passover Miracles
As we approach Pesach (Passover) we cannot help but think of our six months of war in Gaza. We remember the trauma of October 7th