Sukkot Joy

Leviticus 23 summarizes Israel’s Holy Days:  “‘So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to the Lord for seven days; the first day is a day of sabbath rest, and the eighth day also is a day of sabbath rest  0 On the first day you […]

The Mentorship Approach at JBI

Mentorship is more than just a component of Bible college education at the Jerusalem Bible Institute (JBI)—it’s the heartbeat of our approach. It shapes the spiritual, academic, and personal journeys of our students, preparing them to become the next generation of leaders in Israel. First, at JBI, we believe in the importance of the role […]

Shavuot: A Time of Harvest and Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Shavuot or Pentecost as it is known in the Christian World is an important holiday. There is little information on interpreting the Feast in the Torah where the Feast is enjoined in Leviticus 23. It is one of the national pilgrim festivals when men are to gather in Jerusalem. Rabbinic calculation, which is plausible, made […]

Restorationism, What is That?

It was a common conviction in the 19th century. Many embraced the understanding of the Bible whereby the Jewish people would return to the Land of Israel, or at last a significant number of the Jewish people. This restoration of the Land was termed restorationism by many. This understanding included many streams in the Protestant […]

Passover as the Template for Israel’s History and Future

We just gathered with our families and celebrated the Passover together. It is a strange experience, celebrating in a time of war. Many of us in Israel are so very focused on this war every day. We grieve over those in the world who fall for the propaganda of the terrorists, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. […]

Passover Miracles

As we approach Pesach (Passover) we cannot help but think of our six months of war in Gaza. We remember the trauma of October 7th on Simchat Torah (the end of the Feast of Tabernacles) when Hamas invaded southern Israel, murdered over 1,200 people, including elderly, women and little children, and took over 250 hostages, […]